
Friendly UNcorporate Optometry

June 2018

A 9-year-old boy in Greece was left with damaged vision after staring into a laser pointer.

His doctors describe the case in a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The boy's parents brought him to an ophthalmology clinic for evaluation after he complained of decreased vision in his left eye. An examination showed the vision in his left eye was 20/100, compared to 20/20 vision in his right eye.  Doctors also found a "large macular hole" in the retina of his left eye.

"The child reported playing with a green laser pointer and repeatedly gazing into the laser beam," they write. Because of the large size of the hole, the doctors decided on a conservative approach rather than surgery.    See more https://goo.gl/XGFCDf

Be careful!   Dr. J 

July 2018

Everyone will eventually need help focusing up close.... period.

Besides aches and pains, this inconvenient truth is the first reminder for many in our 40's that we all age.  I talk to many many folks a week about the limited options to deal with near focus challenges - reading glasses, some form of bi/multifocal glasses and contact lenses.   This post is about the generally quickly dismissed option #3 - contact lenses.  Albeit scary to envision wearing for some, contact lenses to help you focus up close are NOT - uncomfortable, risky, tough-to-handle.   And... if you searched out reading glasses to read this post... they can make you feel younger.  The certainly do for me!

Think of how many times that you: look at your cell phone a bit blurry; hold the menu further away; can not tell if that screw-head is Phillips or Roberson head; pull back from your partner to see them better; look at a blurry plate of food.   Guys especially - You can do this!  - Roll back the clock and experience not needing those darn!! glasses again.

Contact lens use does not need to be full-time...  socially/casually works great too!

Easy guide for what to expect...

Step ONE - Find an Optometrist that actually wants to spend the time required with you to discuss all options - including contact lenses.  Unfortunately many fitters will not want to be bothered with contacts for our age group

Step TWO -  You will trial contacts in-office to ensure that they fit, are safe and do the job as expected

Step THREE - You will be taught how to insert and remove a contact lens - do NOT worry about this - it is very very rare that a motivated patient can not do this with the right coaching and some time

Step FOUR - You will take lenses and trial them in your own world

Step FIVE - At a follow-up visit - your lenses will likely be adjusted to address any vision improvements found during the trial

Step SIX - Order end enjoy your new-found little fountain of youth and see who notices


A quick discussion of options is usually included in a complete eye exam.  A dedicated contact lens appointment with a trial and teach with follow-up will cost approximately $50 to $100.

Lens pricing ranges immensely depending on needs and replacement schedule e.g. $125 a year for one monthly lens (monovision) to $1000 a year for two single-use multifocals.  You will need to discuss options with your eye doctor.   For reference - I wear a non-bifocal single use lens that would be $250 annually.

Feb 2019

Thanks to an 88 year old patient today for making my day!

He reported seeing spots in his vision when laying down to bed.  The eye care folks will appreciate the question but when I asked "Do you get any flashes or sparks of light?"... His answer - without hesitation - was "No... but there was this girl named Rosemary that gave me flashes and sparks!"

:)   Dr.j

July 2018

Improved sex with contact lenses?!

Granted that the title of this post is most definitely clickbait but I have had two patients tell me that their awesome new contact lenses really have made their lives better!
[1] on her follow-up assessment a newly single woman with great distance vision but poor near vision... "I don't have to pull our my reading glasses to decide which way to swipe on Tinder!" and

[2] a very very nearsighted man recently reports wearing his new [extended wear] contact lenses to bed let's him see his partner better. 

Motivation to trial contact lenses can come in many forms!   We fit super easy and comfortable lenses at Studioeyecare.com  dr.j

Jan 2019

Eyelash extension glues can contain formaldehyde

I have posted on this before but I am seeing several women a month with eye/eyelid irritation after lash extensions.  Symptoms are excessive tearing, itchiness, redness and/or lid puffiness.   Be careful... the likely culprit (of the many chemicals in the glue) is formalin.

Some eyelash extension glues contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen and an allergen to approx 20% of the population.   Try and verify that your eyelash folks use formaldehyde-free products.   Dr. j

April 18, 2020

Is a prescription for contact lenses different than for glasses? 

This is a very common clinic question and the answer is YES... but why?

When you have your eyes tested, the prescription that you are given is for glasses because this is how the prescription was derived... through ophthalmic lenses.  A contact lens prescription is different for several reasons
[1] the actual powers may need to be adjusted because the lenses now sit on the eye vs. in-front of the eye.
[2] contact lenses do not come in every possible power like spectacle lenses and the power may need to be modified
[3] because the contact lens is a medical device sitting directly on the eye, the material of the lens has to be carefully considered and there has to be a plan to monitor ocular health 
[4] there are different type/designs of contact lens that address different eye problems 
[5] a contact lens has a shape factor that needs to be assessed on-the-eye to avoid problems
[6] some contact lenses need not to rotate and this needs to be assessed on the eye.   

Hope that helps!   Dr.j

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All Content Dr. Jason Morris Studio Eye Care and Cataract Club