May 2018
Poor Vision with correct prescription?
What are some reasons that your could have poor vision even if your eyeglass/contact lens prescription is 100% correct?#1 There could be an imbalance in the muscles of your eyes... imbalance can result in poor vision, fatigue, fluctuating vision. The can be corrected with appropriate prism lenses.
#2 Tear film - Although a very thin layer, having a tear film of the correct chemistry and consistency is critical to great, stable vision.
#3 Pathology - Something wrong with the eye (e.g. cataract, retina issue) or behind-the-eye in the visual system (e.g. inflammation, concussion) can result in poor vision.
#4 Lenses - Scratches, poor coatings can lead to poor vision like night glare even with the correct power!
#5 Fatigue - Vision fluctuation increases with fatigue
#6 Working distance - Age can make it more challenging to make all distance clear with one prescription. Often multiple prescriptions are required for different working distances! Dr. j