I bought some great frames online now where do I get prescription lenses!?
At Studio Eye Care, we have a wonderful curated selection of frames but completely understand that we do not have frames for every face and taste. There are millions of styles and colours available today through countless online frame resellers like eBay, GroupOn and Amazon etc. If you have a great pair of frames but would like new prescription lenses… We can help! RxMe Service from Studio Eye Care
- New prescription lenses into your own frame (new or previously enjoyed)
- Sunglasses or Clear
- You do not need to be a current patient but will require a current prescription
- $109 per pair starting price for basic (distance or near lenses) lenses with scratch guard
- $265 per pair starting price for no line bifocal (progressive) lenses with scratch + no reflections coating
Cautions • The best results come from accurate measuring of your frame on your face! We require you - the patient to be wearing the glasses - to come into the office for measurements and also be present for the dispense of the glasses when ready. • A current prescription is required (from us or elsewhere) • Not all glasses are Rx-able (due to lens mount or lens size/Rx required). This will be evaluated prior to any order. • We do not recommend purchasing complete pairs online (frames + prescription lenses) • Lenses will have two-year warranty however no warranty can be extended on the frame against damage or breakage. • Frame fit problems are common with online selections, we will do our best to adjust your frame but there may be size/shape limitations • Turnaround time is approximately 8 business days depending upon prescription
Please Stop by and talk to John or Wendy – We’d love to help