Why is an OCT a good idea?
(optical coherence tomography)
An OCT is a special image of the back of the eye. Unlike a typical photo, an OCT gives a cross-section of retina and detailed measurements which are extremely helpful in detecting retinal pathology. Patients with conditions such as diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma and more will benefit from this quick, non-invasive image.
There are two main uses for OCT – detecting Retinal Defects and detecting Nerve Loss.
Retinal Defects – Wrinkles, breaks, holes, fluid, blood, leaky vessels, deposits, medication side effects can all be detected though OCT imaging. This can be critical in planning the best course of treatment or frequency or follow-up. Many specialists expect an OCT image be done prior to them accepting new patients.
Nerve Loss – In optic neuropathies such as glaucoma, change generally happens very slowly. Repeated OCT imaging gives an extremely accurate view of progression and risk of vision loss. In the past monitoring nerve loss was monitored with visual field analysis. However, ~58% of the nerve fibres’ from your eye can be lost before you have significant visual field loss. An OCT detects loss much earlier and helps us create a plan to prevent vision loss. (note - Visual fields still have a significant role in the ongoing management/monitoring of glaucoma)
Studio Eye Care now offers OCT
OCT images are invaluable in detecting and monitoring ocular pathology and we are now please to offer in-office without referral.
Basic OHIP coverage does not pay for OCT imaging however many private insurance plans will reimburse you for this advanced imaging.